Many of you are probably familiar with
Signing up for this site is free. The website consists of primarily of seven message boards: baseball, basketball, football, hockey, vintage, all other sports, and non-sports cards.
Users post trade offers to the appropriate message board and other users reply to the poster directly via an email either sent internally through the website or by regular email should a user wish to make their email address public. As far as I can tell no discussion can take place in the "discussion" groups themselves. The website provides a free webpage space for each user that can be used to post a wantlist and tradelist.
It is possible to leave feedback on trades via the website's Trusted Trader Points system. Until 10 successful trades are completed all posts to the message boards have to be approved by moderators. After 10 points you are added to the Point Standings Room in which you can compare yourself to other traders and steadily climb the ranks.
Other useful tools on the site include a Trade Tracker tool which allows you to record details of trades in progress: to whom, what, when and how and so on. If your trading really takes off this can be useful to manage multiple trades in progress and provide some details should a trade start to go off the rails.
I have completed over 250 successful trades online (that is alot of stamps!!) but I have only been a member of this site for a few days. I have made a couple of trade postings on the message boards and one trade is in progress. I will let everyone know how it works out. Till next time.
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